Chod Tibetan Sound Healing

CHOD: Tibetan Sound Healing with Drupon Lama Dorje

Relax into a unique Tibetan sound healing experience to purify karma and experience deep healing at all mental, physical and emotional levels. This rare and special event is hosted by Drupon Lama Dorje. 

Join us on October 7 for an exquisite sound ceremony with the Tibetan bell, Damaru (ceremonial drum), and traditional trumpet as Lama sings ancient mantras and prayers to cut the causes of distress, transform inner and outer challenges, and awaken healing on all physical, emotional, and mental levels.

He begins with an hour of inspirational teachings, then you relax into a traditional sound ceremony far different than you have ever experienced!

Event Details

6:00 – 9:00pm 

Fri, Oct 7, 2022
Click HERE to save your spot!

Drupon Lama Dorje was born in small village called Limi in the Himalayas and became a traditional Buddhist monk at the age of 5 under the Drikung Kagyu lineage. At the age of 24 he entered a 4-year solo retreat in the mountains of India where he trained deeply in the five-fold path of Mahamudra, Dzogchen and the Six Yogas of Naropa. 

Directly after this retreat, he was assigned to travel to Chile to expand the Buddha Dharma. For more than 10 years, Drupon Lama Dorje has spread Buddhist philosophy of life across South and Central America through diverse events, ceremonies, courses and retreats; produced music & CDs, written books to apply Buddhist principles to modern life, formed many sanghas throughout the region, and led sacred journeys to India and Nepal. Today, he travels the world skillfully teaching Tibetan Philosophy of Life & meditation while also advocating for topics such as environmental regeneration, intercultural unity, and resilient education.

His vision is to awaken the consciousness of all beings, unite all cultures in global peace, and regenerate our home, the Earth, by expanding the altruistic actions of unconditional love, compassion, joy, and equanimity for the sake of all that live.

There is a second event with Drupon Lama Dorje on October 8. Click here for more info.