Somatic Breathwork & Sound Healing with Patrishia Bogan Breathe and heal with the energy of the Lion's Gate Portal. 8/9/2024 6:30pm

Somatic Breathwork & Sound Healing with Patrishia Bogan

Join Patrishia Bogan and Cary for a very special Somatic Breathwork and Sound event on Friday, August 9th at 6:30pm: Open to ALL guests – Men and Women!

This event is focused on somatic breathwork and harnessing the powerful energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal.

Somatic breathwork is a practice that combines conscious breathing techniques with body awareness to facilitate deep healing and self-discovery.

During this event, you will learn the profound benefits of somatic breathwork, including stress reduction, emotional release, increased energy, and enhanced well-being. Additionally, we will tap into the energetic alignment of the Lion’s Gate Portal, a cosmic event that occurs every year on August 8th, to amplify our intentions and manifest positive change in our lives.

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the profound synergy of somatic breathwork and the Lion’s Gate energy!

Friday, August 9th @ 6:30pm
$55 Energy Exchange

Sign Up HERE!



Patrishia Bogan is a BSN-RN and is currently completing her masters for her PMHNP; she’s also a wife, mother, ICU/NICU survivor and a Somatic Breathwork Facilitator. Patrishia has a passion and purpose for guiding people back to their bodies and hearts; she believes our bodies have an innate wisdom to naturally heal, and she loves creating community where people can learn, grow, give, and receive.

Patrishia Bogan