Harmonic Resonance Sound Journey with Stephanie Robinson Bathe in angelic sounds and tones specifically designed to raise your vibration, helping you to elevate and expand your state of consciousness. Friday, August 30 @ 6:30PM $55 Energy Exchange

Harmonic Resonance Sound Journey with Stephanie Robinson

Friday, August 30th at 6:30pm, join Cary and special guest Stephanie Robinson for the next Harmonic Resonance Sound Experience.

This sound healing experience is designed to activate the internal codes in our cells into the quantum space; similar to a hypnosis session, through a multidimensional healing approach. This is a 75-minute immersion with the added tools of Alchemy bowls, drums, rattles, and Stephanie’s voice.

Bathe in angelic sounds and tones specifically designed to raise your vibration, helping you to elevate and expand your state of consciousness. At this Harmonic Resonance sound experience, Stephanie will guide you through a light hypnosis process helping you access a deeply relaxed and receptive state. This will be followed by channeling Ancient Light Language codes. These codes are designed to awaken memory and set you on your highest path of purpose and excitement here on earth, thus helping you to live your most free, fully expressed, and joyful life!

Join us for this unique and special immersion and activation! 
Friday, August 30th @ 6:30pm
$55 Energy Exchange
Sign Up HERE!



Stephanie Yopp-Robinson is a spiritual deep-diver and Cosmic re-patterner, and carries with her the Remembrance and the continual re-discovery of her Soul Essence as a vibrational attuner. She offers past life regressions, which she now calls Quantum Starseed Integration sessions, as a part of her practice; she also does Harmonic Resonance sound alchemical activation sessions. She began doing this work as she began waking up to her other lifetimes and multidimensional Self. Her strongest desire and intent is to guide others in their own Greatest Self-discovery and remembrance of themselves throughout the Cosmos, as well as re-awakening their True Soul gifts in this current incarnation.

Stephanie recognizes her purpose on this Earth-at this time-as an usher or guide into the Higher dimensional planes of existence—what many call the New Earth. Through her work as an expanded-past life regressionist and Harmonic Resonance sound healer, she facilitates the anchoring of the highest Light Codes and Frequencies into the physical and energetic body that the individual (and collective) are ready to receive.