Yoga Nidra & Sound Healing with Cary & Shawnda Bauer

Join Cary and Shawnda Bauer for a beautiful post holiday deeply healing reset- Enjoy a guided Yoga Nidra meditation and a sound bath. Detoxify, relax and reset with this special offering to clear your energy field after Thanksgiving. Yoga Nidra, similar to meditation but not as active, allows you to drop into a guided state of conscious deep relaxation. This …

New Moon in the Night Sky over the Mountain Line

New Moon Sound Bath

Get Ready for the Busy Holiday Season… Join Shanti Sound for a New Moon Sound Bath on November 23! The past month in astrology has been tough, mostly because of the last lunar cycle in eclipse season, which brought about a lot of unexpected changes, shocks and surprises. Now, the New Moon on Wednesday, Nov. 23rd in Sagittarius is exactly …

sound bowls to reduce anxiety naturally

Five Ways to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

Although most of us can’t avoid ALL of  the things that cause stress in our lives, there is plenty that we can do to reduce the feelings of anxiety that we experience from it. Calming our anxiety is important for reasons other than just bringing us general peace of mind, it is also important for our overall health and well-being. …

Cary Ballou

What Is Sound Healing?

Everything in the Universe is in a state of vibration. All living things on Earth emit and absorb specific frequencies, traveling within and around us at all times. Sound, the vibration of Energy, is everywhere, and constant; it travels at distances and levels far beyond the human hearing range. Thus Sound Healing can occur without us even knowing. Every single …

Cary Ballou

A Message from Cary

Hello, and thank you for being here. Most of us don’t take to Meditation naturally; it’s something that’s learned and practiced, and can easily be put off when life gets too busy, the desire to make the effort isn’t there, or any other reason that the day’s demands might get in the way.